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Below you will find a list of former Dutch vessels that moved under Swedish flag
The first year is the year the ship was built, the second year was the year the ship moved to Sweden
If you have a picture of one of these ships from a year after the year mentioned in the last column, please consider swapping it for another picture that is of interest to you (please check my collection by clicking the Up button) Email

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A K FERNSTROM               1912  Fernstrom A K Granitindustrie
ALBERTINA                   1961  Lion Steam Shipping Comp
ALLAN                       1924  Zweden
AMIE                        1969  Nygren R
ANJA                        1969
ANJA                        1985
ANN LOUISE                  1976
ARASVALL                    1939  Solstad A B
ARCTIC I                    1988  Arctic Shipping AB
ARENAS                      1972  Angbats AB
ARENAS                      1973
ARKO                        1959  Drabant Red AB
ATLANTIS                    1965
BELLONA                     1951  Concordia Red
BELLONA                     1951
BETTIE LILL                 1996  Eke Rederi AB
BIRGITTA                    1930  Olands Cement AB
BLENDA                      1929  Carlsson A B
BORNO                       1956  Bjornhage S H
BRABANT                     1927  Brabant Rederi A/B
BREDSKAR                    1957  Nilsson N
BUNGENAS                    1930
BUNGEOR                     1980  Nystrom S
CIMBRI                      1948  Malmberg N
CIMBRIA                     1913  Teutonia Akties Red
CONCORDIA                   1948  Paridon J
CORNELLIA                   1946  Suesia A B
DAGO                        1966  Knut B Julin
DANIA                       1979
DOLLIE                      1946  Diana Red AB
DOLORES                     1982  Nord G D N
DOVER                       1980
DRABANT                     1938  AB Drabant
EKLAND                      1997  Eke Rederi AB
ELDAREN                     1945  Swedish Government [marine]
ERKEN                       1917  Fornyade Angf Akt Co
EUGENIE                     1939  Nilsson S
EVA                         1942  Rederi AB Sueccia
EVA JEANETTE                1958  Billingforslanged AB
EVA JEANNETTE               1964  Transmarin A/B
FRANS SUELL                 1928  Malmo Red AB
FREDERIKA                   1962  Lion Steam Shipping Comp
GLOBE                       1957  Wiren M H
GOLDEN SEA                  1974
HAGA                        1899  Bank G A & Co
HERMINA                     1919  Hermina Red
HIELFRID                    1936
HILDUR GERTRUDE             1905  Zweden
HOLLANDIA                   1936  Furnyade Angf AB
INA                         1920
INDRA                       1934  Zweden
INGA                        1918  Inga AB
IREVIK                      1959  Jacobsson Y
KANIA                       1939
KATHE HAMM                  1928
KEPLER                      1903  Angf Akties Lumens
KORSBORG                    1933  Korsborg AB
LAMANN                      1965
LENEVIK                     1985  Dellevik L
LINDO                       1965  Larsson J
LINNEA                      1920  Jhonssen J
LOUISE AHLMAN               1969  Ahlman I
LUNO                        1961
MARABELL                    1973  Orno Bilfarja Bat och Frakt Service
MARGARETHA                  1919  Andersson A
MARGITA                     1968  Margita AB Red
MARIANN                     1964  Hermansson J Part Red
MARIN                       1959  Kihlber Tartygsagentur
MARLON                      1963  Marion Red
MARONIA                     1961  Marion Red
MARTHA                      1939  Swedish Goverment Marine
MERCIA                      1922  Thore J A
MERCIA                      1979
NAJADEN                     1989  Cyklamen A
NERITA                      1937  Semo Red AB
NERLANDIA                   1964  Ghota Linie
NORDANHAV                   1978  Marfrakt Red AB
NORDIA                      1922  Hoganas AB Red
O.R.O.N                     1895  Reinhold O &  Nordin O
OLANDSUND II                1958  Hagman B & ea
ORION                       1923  Tanja Trogsund Rederi AB
OSKAR                       1939  Stroms Bruks AB
OSTLAND                     1971  Karlshamns Skeppsvarv AB
PARIDON                     1948  Paridon J
PATER NOSTER                1949
PEDER MOST                  1945
PRINSES ELISABETH           1898  Sverige Kontinenten Red
ROSAFRED                    1931
S M STERNA                  1947  Egon Reederie AB
SALOFJORD                   1958  Glimfjord Red
SANDO                       1935  Rex AB
SANDSKAR                    1969  Lundgrun H A
SANTONI                     1955
SANTONI                     1957  Glimfjord Red AB
SIGFORS                     1939  Staffan Red AB
SIGURD I                    1999  Nordo Red AB
SILONA                      1960  Silona Red Fur Steamship
SKANEVIK I                  1969
SOLKLINT                    1951  Mattson S J
SPRING BALLAD               1984  Strider 6
ST ANDREW                   1897  Aug AB St George
STANDARD                    1952  Rederiaktiebol Goteborgstanker
STELLA NORDIC               1994  Tyrrena AB
STENSO                      1943  Karlsson S A
STENSVIK                    1978  Bent Diger Blom
STOCKHOLM                   1912  Nord Amerika-Stockholm Red
STOCKHOLM                   1925  Svenska Amerika Linien
SUDERSAND                   1974
SUSANNE                     1981  Hermansson K V G
SVEALAND                    1973  Lion Ferry AB
SVEALAND AV MALMO           1982  Nordo Red AB
SVEALINK                    1987
SVENDBORG GRACE I           1974  Svend Borg Enterprise Aps
SYDVIK                      1959
TANJA                       1927  Red A/B Tanja
TANJA                       1927  Tanja Red AB
TARNTANK                    1960  Mvr Karin Nordin
TELFA                       1960
THELMA                      1937  Pettersson E
THUMPALL J                  1973
TOSCA                       1948  Ljung C E
TROSSEN                     1971  Trincargo Shipping Ltd
TROSSEN                     1974  Trossen Shipping Ltd
URANIA                      1898  Lewin K
VAREG                       1930  Viking AB Red
VINGA                       1962  Glimfjord AB Red
WESTFORS                    1964
YARA                        1921  Svenska Tabaksmonopolet A/S